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About MMM (formerly known as BluePete, now known as Division Bell)

Joined: Aug 8, 2015
Last login: Sep 2, 2015
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Personal space

The liberal-conservative argument in our country is alive and well. It turns on the two polar values of Western political thought: freedom and equality. Both important, always in tension, always being adjusted.

Today conservatives tend to stress freedom. They are, therefore, willing to accept greater disparities of social outcome, and they are inclined to regard the multiplication of entitlements and the mentality that it breeds, as inimical to the attitudes and aptitudes essential for free citizens of a free society.

Liberals today tend to stress equality. Not equality of opportunity, but equality of outcome, and therefore, they tend to regard the multiplication of entitlements and that entitlement mentality as enhancing the public good. Therefore, they are for spreading dependency.

George F. Will, CPAC address, February 2010.

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