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Dec 6, 2023
Powerbait DPM
We have a few times. But more consistency would be awesome. We should be excited
to see a full court press. It opens up for 3's and easy rebounds. We just need to make sure we aren't getting trapped.
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Powerbait DPM
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Powerbait DPM
May 29, 2015
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I don’t always read other teams fan message boards but I’m finding it funny…
12/6/23 4:28am
Our depth makes this possible!
Soy Celeste
12/6/23 4:32am
RE: Our depth makes this possible!
12/6/23 4:38am
Noah Waterman's motor is something that wasn't on the team last season.
12/6/23 4:40am
His improvement has been remarkable.
Mr. Scoobs
12/6/23 7:34am
He’s not even close to the same player as he was last year. So much better! He
Soy Celeste
12/6/23 8:34am
Funny but this exact topic, Pace of Play, was talked about in Pope’s post game
12/6/23 7:06am
I’ve felt like a team that slowed down the game would be much more effective.
12/6/23 7:31am
, but when you do….
12/6/23 7:33am
I will say NC St did have a stretch where we turned it over 8 times in 8 minutes
Mr. Scoobs
12/6/23 7:33am
Being up close last night shocked me even more at how high their motor is
Your Royal Blueness
12/6/23 8:29am
Yet our pace is the same as last year, just with different results.
12/6/23 9:29am
Do you think this advantage will lessen when we leave the high altitude of Utah?
12/6/23 9:35am
Altitude isn't the big thing media makes it out to be when it comes to high level athletes. Its plays a little part with
12/6/23 9:57am
To for the first 35 minutes of game time but the last 5 does make a difference.
12/6/23 10:03am
You mean like when we played NC State in Vegas?
12/6/23 11:14am
Then we bring in Trey who runs faster than anyone.
12/6/23 9:48am
I want to see us punish the full court press - yet another layer of joy
Ice King
12/6/23 10:40am
We have a few times. But more consistency would be awesome. We should be excited
Powerbait DPM
12/6/23 12:46pm
Loved when Blaine warned about teams getting into a 3-point contest w/ us then
Ice King
12/6/23 1:16pm
Because we have depth, I wonder if it would be beneficial to run full court
Powerbait DPM
12/6/23 1:20pm
RE: I don’t always read other teams fan message boards but I’m
12/6/23 11:46am
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