This 134-mile section of the trail started with the continuation of the 64-mile road walk around the Diamond Complex Fires, and then took me through the Deschutes National Forest, Three Sisters Wilderness, Willamette National Forest, and Mount Washington Wilderness.
Very scenic area, with lots of trees, lakes, volcanic areas, burn scars, huckleberries, blue berries, and mosquitoes. I also did some night hiking to get through some of the burn scars, which was actually a little eerie.
For my fifth full week back on trail I hiked 189.6 miles, and since starting from South Lake Tahoe I've hiked 910 miles in 38 days ending at mile 2,002. I still have 653 miles to go, which I believe will take about four weeks.
But it's now hunting season, so I got off trail. l need to see if I can piece together four more weeks between hunts, which start at the end of August and run through mid November, but this is definitely a good problem to have.