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Jan 10, 2025
SuperMarioCoug Walk-on
Rewatched the BYU-Utah game ending…
For a while I’ve felt a weird pit in my stomach about the game this year - due to how it ended. But I re-watched the ending again. And I will say now… I’m glad it ended the way it did. I’m glad it was a controversial ending. That fourth quarter gave Utahs program, team, admin, fans, etc., all opportunities to pick up a collective “win”.

Utah’s defense could’ve won the actual game, in a stout defensive-like Utah way. Proving 2021 was just a fluke and they in fact have the ball in their court once again.

Utah’s staff could’ve won the hearts of the fans and players back after a poor start to their #runthebig12 quest for perfection - consequently, keeping key players from hitting the transfer portal (and maybe even go bowling?)

Utah’s administration and fans could’ve had an opportunity to look and act like a “big brother” again… and in the Big12/a new conf. no less. They could’ve touted the “we’ve been there done that” vibe like what they’ve insisted upon themselves all pre-season long.

But Utah choked. In all facets. Their defense couldn’t stop us and I don’t care if there was a game-prolonging holding call. We still had the majority of the field left to go with less than ideal time left.

Their coaching staff choked - primarily KWhitt - and proved that the locker room has slipped from their fingers, Kyle Whittinghams actions this year only further proves that he is a petty, pathetic guy that has let this rivalry poison himself and the fan base for years.

And of course, the administration choked. Their AD is a joke. Their President won’t even issue any sort of apology for anything. Water bottle incident? Nope. AD and coach post game behavior? Nope. (Maybe he has now? Idk. Still a couple months too late). They have led their fanbase in a “Great Whine”. the greatest whine of all whines in the history of whining (many say the Great Whine is still heard to this very day).

I’m just glad all of the other fan bases in the Big12 now see what we’ve seen for a while. We ain’t crazy. Utah is just that obnoxious.

2021 was not a fluke. This game was not a fluke. The tables are turning. This game - and everything that has come with it - was the cherry on top that confirms everything BYU fans have been saying about Utah and their fans for a LONG time now.

Max Hall was right.
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Dec 21, 2018
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Jan 25, 2025
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