One of my best friends since birth has never been great at school because of ADHD stuff, but decided a year and a half ago that he was going to get his nursing degree while working as a CNA. We were super proud of him for doing it since we know school can be hard for him.
Anyways, this last semester he spent basically all his free time studying for this notoriously difficult class and ended up not passing by 0.2% on his final exam, and they refused to even talk to him about making up the last little bit so he could pass. To make things worse, the way the program is set up, if you fail one class you fail the entire semester and have to repeat all the classes for the semester again.
He’s really down right now and doesn’t think he wants to keep going in nursing school. Any ideas of good jobs/certifications where he can use his experience working and in school to move forward? Maybe something a little less school-heavy?
EDIT: For clarity I guess I over-emphasized the lameness of him failing. It is what it is. More looking for suggestions on potential next steps than looking for whether or not it’s fair. Thanks all.