You make a statement that doesn't even come close to relating to what Harline was saying.
"...the managers talk about not being able to do the work themselves, that they have to let employees do it all."
Harline clearly points out that the coaches, Bronco in particular, work very hard to get these players ready to play. The coaches are the first to arrive and last to leave. The coaches are clearly not "managers" talking about not being able to do the work themselves. Now you can debate the quality of their work, but you can't say that they don't work and leave it to the "employees" to do it all.
Your analogy fails.
Also, as a fan you are not comparable to an owner of a company. You could buy your allotment of season tickets and make hefty contributions, but your expectations as a fan would not even come close to relating to expectations of an owner of a company. As a fan you have no power to get rid of the "managers" of the company.
Now, if you are a shareholder and own stock in the company then you have every right to sell and walk away. You still can't get rid of the "managers" of the company. You can cut your losses and move on though. Maybe you ought to do that.