who had severe anger management issues. Word would spread through the office — avoid so-n-so's side of the floor at all costs. It was a big place, so it was kinda hard to pull that off. If you ended up on his bad side — which could happen instantly — he'd send his gloating little minion to your office with a cart to pack up your stuff and escort you outta the building. During my first temple recommend interview a member of my stake presidency was happy to find out we worked in the same profession. "What office?" he asked. His expression immediately soured when I told him where. Then he told me the nickname the man had picked up in the community. "Abuse". Brutal, but accurate. Yeah, my boss was LDS. Didn't stop him from trashing his employees' careers. (No, not gonna reveal his identity. If you know him, please don't post his name. Incidentally, I understand he's passed away.)