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About RebelScum

Joined: Feb 25, 2010
Last login: Jan 22, 2025
Total posts: 13,373
Posts per day: 2.5
Board rating: All-American (Basic Subscriber)

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Personal space

For those curious about my board name, RebelScum is a Star Wars reference (not a UNLV or Ole Miss reference as some have assumed). Also, an incorrect assumption would be to think I'm a big Star Wars fan; while I like the movies, etc..., that's not why I chose that board name. The truth, as usual, is pretty much boring. Years ago, when playing computer games with my kids, they liked to choose to be the bad guys, and I would choose to be the good guys. On one occasion while playing, one of my kids (who was really into Star Wars at the time) said something to the effect of "Take that, rebel scum!" And the rest is history.