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Apr 2, 2024
ordinary tri guy
Truly Addicted User
So they just asked the lady if the cat was given anything to keep it quiet
I think she said no and they are telling her she needs to shut it up because she is talking to it now…it’s not helping and probably making it worse.
To be continued
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ordinary tri guy
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ordinary tri guy
Nov 24, 2008
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Feb 17, 2025
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Boy this flight is going to be a pleasure….lady has a cat in a bag that…
ordinary tri guy
4/2/24 5:00am
So they just asked the lady if the cat was given anything to keep it quiet
ordinary tri guy
4/2/24 5:21am
Sorry for the delay….
ordinary tri guy
4/2/24 5:33am
Thank heavens they removed her.. cheers to that crew
4/2/24 5:38am
I’m thinking she was a bit stressed as was the cat.
ordinary tri guy
4/2/24 5:38am
Weird that the cat wouldn’t just listen to her. Seemed like a reasonable thing for her to just talk to the cat. 😂
4/2/24 7:17am
She jumped out of the plane? Did they give her a parachute?
4/2/24 9:31am
If only society was this lucky
Junior Deputy
4/3/24 12:19pm
I forgot to add…this all brought to you by United. A flight that was delayed..
ordinary tri guy
4/2/24 5:45am
A rested employee is a vigilant employee!
4/2/24 6:12am
*hung over
4/2/24 6:50am
It probably was only 7:15 from bottle to throttle. Had to wait the extra 45.
4/5/24 12:56pm
I'm allergic to cats. Would they move a person with a cat if they're sitting by
4/2/24 6:09am
No. Only peanut allergies matter.
4/2/24 6:46am
RE: Boy this flight is going to be a pleasure….lady has a cat in a bag
4/2/24 7:29am
Cats are filthy creatures
4/2/24 7:37pm
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