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About Icecat (formerly known as atl)

Joined: Jul 4, 2010
Last login: Feb 9, 2025
Total posts: 4,920
Posts per day: 0.9
Board rating: Injuries and insurance claims (Premium Subscriber)

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Recent posts: 24 (8 non-public)
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Personal space

04-11-24: UK basketball fans were patient with Calipari
03-24-24: Allie McPhie Allebest sincerity checkup
03-23-24: Haters help church social media exposure (FO)
03-05-24: Jury trial right is a traditional American value
01-19-24: Favorite deep tracks from my favorite bands
12-02-23: Meeting Kevin Durant (FO)
11-25-23: Discovering the best hot sauce
10-26-23: 98.6% of US gun deaths not in mass shootings
09-08-23: This temporary health order will save lives!
09-07-23: Yes, some want to destroy the nuclear family
08-31-23: Punk rock was a museum attraction from 85-90
07-28-23: Terrorists more deadly than polluters
07-15-23: Songs using the Canon in D chord sequence
07-10-23: Data shows LGBTQ+ trend is social contagion
07-04-23: Word of Wisdom meme from deleted thread (FO)
05-17-23: Why did BYU cancel its hockey program?
05-06-23: Perspective on the Braves’ 2021 WS trip (FO)
05-03-23: Stages of Gaslighting
04-20-23: hOw dOeS tHeIr mArRiAgE aFfEcT yOu?
03-30-23: Calling out a fake outrage story
03-21-23: How personal injury claim negotiations work
03-12-23: Law students insurrectiony attacks on judge
03-02-23: Anti-religious bigotry should be called out
02-22-23: US-Iraq ‘03 differs from Russia-Ukraine ‘22
01-24-23: America invented murder in 1791
11-17-22: Brags about CA budget surplus aged poorly
11-09-22: Crazy cat ladies are the democrats’ firewall (FO)
10-25-22: The May 29, 2020 insurrection
10-03-22: Best Gen Conf talks (Oct 2006–Oct 2017).
07-09-22: Gay movies good. Gun movies good (FO)
05-26-22: The Church’s $1B annual charitable giving (FO)
05-22-22: Ranking Linkin Park’s Discography
03-28-22: Meeting Stephen Frazier of NBC/CNN (FO)
03-11-22: William Drummond Vince McMahon meme. (FO)
09-24-21: Being anti-COVID vax was cool in 2020.
08-31-21: Don’t have a shelf
07-21-21: Berkeley narrative debunking time!
03-21-21: Dawn Jones (FO)
08-28-20: Racism? Or ignorance?
07-01-20: Temple garments and COVID face masks
06-17-20: Presentism II
06-11-20: Presentism I
06-05-20: My experience supporting BLM
06-01-20: Church unfairly singled out as racist part III
06-12-20: Church unfairly singled out as racist part IV
10-12-19: Church unfairly singled out as racist part II
03-31-18: Church unfairly singled out as racist part I (FO)
12-17-19: The online crusade against the church. (FO)
12-16-19: Softer approach to LGBT+ issues at BYU.
09-30-19: Financial support for BYU football.
08-22-19: How I got a cool rock (FO)
08-10-19: Charity stories. (FO)
05-03-19: The Bouncing Souls (FO)
04-20-19: Peggy Fletcher Stack draft tweet.
03-26-19: Missy Elliott, Darlington Nagbe Encounters (FO)
03-07-19: Misconstruing Statistics for Entertainment™?
02-24-19: 20-win seasons and NIT bids.
02-12-19: Alcohol/guns and safety
10-08-18: Church name correction. (FO)
09-28-18: Memory bank? Try memory soup.
08-12-18: Sacrament talk preparation part II
04-06-18: Sacrament talk preparation part I
02-27-18: ’No One Wants To Ban Guns‘ Hall of Shame.
10-03-17: Alternatives to universal healthcare.
09-13-17: Astronaut plaintiffs.
09-01-17: Defensive doxxing of an online stalker (FO)
07-07-17: Opening my mission call (FO)
06-04-17: Civilian opining on US foreign policy.
06-05-17: Fake hero story analysis.
02-24-17: Obama treatment of the press
06-16-16: No one needs assault alcohol.
04-02-16: SLTrib letter to the editor analysis. (FO)
03-27-16: Personal injury attorneys part I
03-28-16: Personal injury attorneys part II
03-20-16: Castro and Hitler liked sports, too!
02-11-16: Stories about living gospel principles (FO)
07-28-14: We can form opinions about Israel/Palestine.
07-19-14: Is tithing like country club dues?
06-23-14: Standard of Manufactured Feminist Outrage.
05-01-14: Are atheists are just mindless drones?
04-19-14: 6th Fan motivational speeches by The Old Y
03-29-14: uK bAsKeTbAlL iS rUiNiNg tHe cOlLeGe gAmE.
10-22-15: Calipari scandals compared to others’
04-06-14: Memphis basketball scandal in context
12-12-13: cOnSeRvAtIvEs sTiNgY, lIbErAlS gEnErOuS.
11-15-13: Please read this story at my funeral. (FO)
09-13-12: Mohammed, Daryl, and Newhart (FO)
07-14-12: ESPN fixes Howard Bryant's article.
07-14-12: Howard Bryant convo. (repost with tweets)