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Jan 26, 2016
TrueBlue67 All-American
Yup, ESPN may be on the hook financially, but how much - on top of the $15M -
is it costing ESPN to RUN the LHN each year? Disney would be smart to just shutter the whole thing to save the operating costs. If ESPN is paying Texas $15M per year, I guarantee you is costing the WWL more than that to run that joke of a station. But, even if it is only costing ESPN $10M per year to run the LHN, is it better to pay out $25M per year on a loser or shell out the required $15M to Texas and use the other $10M to buy better product that will give you a return on your investment? This shouldn't be a difficult decision...
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Jan 26, 2016 at 5:26:13pm
Message modified by TrueBlue67 on Jan 26, 2016 at 5:27:41pm
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