your style but he is more than a loud mouth, arrogant man. He is selling tickets and has brought energy to a program that was dead. Clearly his methods are paying dividends.
But among the arrogance you see is a man who has refrained from foul language for longer than many CBers have been alive. You are missing the man who credits God and tells people to follow Jesus often. Perhaps you don’t know that he crafted a persona, with bling and energy, so he could demonstrate there are ways to live that life without gangs, drugs and alcohol. He tells people that being a father is among the most important work a man can do. And he speaks of his mother with love and appreciation.
Clearly he’s not perfect. And clearly his style doesn’t speak to you. But maybe you aren’t his target audience… and that’s okay. But there is so much more to Coach Sanders than being load mouthed and arrogant.