C-sections seem to be a bit harder to recover from comparing recovery times of other women in the Church that had normal deliveries at/around the same time as we had our kids. To be honest, neither look very fun. Was in the room for the first two births (kids born in Shanghai) but not the last two (Korea hospitals don't allow it). Great experience to see a new life.
Funny side note. Our first was born right after we moved to Shanghai. Neither my wife or I speak Mandarin, so we were a bit nervous. The hospital we used was great, during the day. The night staffs' english was not so good. After the baby was born, my wife was still bleeding a fair amount, so I asked the night shift doctor (a kid doing his residency) how to know if my wife was bleeding too much or if it was normal to have this much blood nearly 8 hrs after the c-section. His response nearly killed me. He said, "There is no way to know if you wife bleed too much. We only know right before she die." Not the best thing for a new father to hear! In a panic I called my friend's dad who is a doctor and he said that doc was a cook as it is nearly impossible to bleed to death from a c-section as nothing gets "cut" in the operation that could lead to that much bleeding. He said not to worry. I talked to our local doctor in the morning and she apologized for the idiot resident and said all was good.