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Mar 18, 2023
krindorr Truly Addicted User
I don't really have the data, there just isn't enough
If you want to break things down to certain timeslots on certain channels, there's just not enough to really get much data and you end up with small sample sizes.

That said, I might be able to do a school against that channel/timeslot in general, I just wouldn't be able to do it to compare different schools with one another. I'll take a look.

It's also worth noting that I did do an analysis which showed Utah as one of the worst-drawing teams (compared to viewership that would be expected l, given their on-field success). Unfortunately, that one seems to have been overlooked by a lot of folks who have their mind made up and only notice when I say Utah is stronger than this board would generally like to admit
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Oct 5, 2020
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Sep 13, 2024
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