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Jun 9, 2023
BoiseBlueCoug All-American
I think many members are somewhat hesitant to rejoice in Christ in non-LDS
settings for many cultural reasons... and the fear that comes from them. ("They will just think I'm trying to convert them"; "I might be ridiculed because they believe I worship a different Jesus or a 'Mormon Christ' etc...)

I've really made an effort to represent myself as a Christian first with friends and co-workers, and a COJCOLDS member second, to build bridges to those of other faiths and celebrate the common beliefs that we share in Jesus.

I would hope that if the LDS player on this team were at the table, she would share very similar thoughts as those that were shared.
Bio page
Oct 19, 2006
Last login
Sep 13, 2024
Total posts
10,205 (2 FO)
Niiineteeen84 Blowhard
6/9/23 9:26am
6/9/23 9:35am
6/9/23 3:02pm

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