supports for an employed physician. I have no idea what’s billed in my name.
Maybe there was confusion in what constitutes a well child visit
Or a problem that was addressed that you didn’t realize.. or a chronic issue that was followed up on.
There can be an honest mistake of clicking the wrong box in the emr.
There can be confusion regarding what insurance is claiming.
They lie all the time. They all have different rules/criteria.
Or you could have gotten really really unlucky that you found a pediatrician who is willing to risk their career, reputation, state license, potential criminal charges on a forty dollar peds visit.
In regards to your last time, sure many docs would answer your “quick question” on a different patient.
Others know they have to document any advice given. Often Any documentation that is performed is required to be billed by the physicians boss
Maybe they were sick of providing their expertise for free.
Because in this scenario you’re now taking advantage of them.
Sure seems like just getting in touch with him/her is the most reasonable approach before going scorched earth.