I would say the biggest problem is the number of students driving who should be walking from their apartment complexes. I knew a lot people who lived at the Village who would drive to the marriot center and then walk from there. The Village is EXTREMELY close to campus. You could be to the north end of campus from the Village within 15 minutes. (Trust me, I have actually timed it because I was curious). This goes for multiple places that are close to campus. I lived at King Henry for a few years and I had roommates that would take the 10 or so minutes to drive to the marriott center and then walk another 10 or so minutes to their class, when they could have just walked about 20 minutes. The problem at BYU is that parking needs to be a lot more expensive. The parking needs to become expensive enough that people who should reasonably walk will realize that it is not worth their money to drive. Also, as opposed to subsidizing the Ryde program, they should subsidize UTA. If they subsidized UTA, then the no parking at Heritage would actually be an option especially when the Provo Orem BRT is finished. This would allow students the option to go to the grocery store, Mall, Frontrunner stations, movie theater, restaurants. The Ryde shuttles do provide shuttles to grocery stores, but that is once a week on a saturday morning. Not very convenient or really practical. Also, I have heard the argument about a big parking garage. I used to agree with this until I found out that parking garages are really expensive. You basically have to build an entire building, as opposed to just level out some ground and lay some asphalt. Also, the parking NEVER fills up. The only time of day that you would ever have to park at the stadium is between the hours of about 10am to about 2pm. If you arrived to campus outside of those hours, there would be plenty of parking at the Marriott Center. Also, the stadium is not that far of a way to campus. You can reasonably get to even the engineering building in under 20 minutes.